The ultimate failure of religion is an expression of its irony. Organized religion is the ultimate contradiction in which personal salvation is prescribed through the umbilical of hierarchy by the very forces from which to be saved. The best evidence for this is the expectation that those who read about the experiences of the lost and saved will fully comprehend such concepts without themselves having had any such experiences.
The most obvious consequence of this contradiction, even though the faithful have usually thought of themselves as the only saved among a world of lost, is that it is now painfully obvious that the difference between the saved and the lost has nothing to do with which sacred texts they ascribe to or reject since all the various texts themselves have always been equally overconfident in their ability to lucidly inform on the nature of reality. This I glean from the behavior I've observed from the vast majority of the religious whom I have met.
I have heard the expression "I do not have beliefs, I have convictions," which is very easy for me to sympathize with. I'm not skilled at math but that's what it reminds me of. Math has few words and infinite implications. Like a conviction, it is not spoken, it is merely carried out and is relevant in every waking moment. I have had experiences that make the religious worldview seem like a cheap dream.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Your Prescription Was a Sugar Pill...Better Find a Shaman.
Posted by
Dissident Gene
4:19 PM
Labels: causality, conformity, debate, dogma, history, ideology, mathematics, metaphysics, mythology, philosophy, psychedelics, psychology, religion, substances, transcendence
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
The 5 Scientific Experiments Most Likely to End the World
Surely in their insatiable curiosity and desire to put knowledge above all things, science would never, say, inadvertently set off a chain of events that lead to the end of the world. Right?
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Posted by
Dissident Gene
7:27 PM
Labels: causality, futurism, history, mathematics, science fiction, technological singularity
Thursday, August 21, 2008
LSD Could Heal Thousands as Therapeutic Tool
Andrew Feldmár has an essay in the Guardian about psychedelics as a useful tool in psychotherapy.
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Posted by
Dissident Gene
2:14 PM
Labels: debate, psychedelics, psychology, religion, substances, transcendence
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
7 "Eccentric" Geniuses Who Were Clearly Just Insane
Is it possible to be too smart? Maybe. History is full of insane geniuses, humans who mentally put the pedal to the metal--and sometimes through the floor.
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Posted by
Dissident Gene
1:13 PM
Labels: conformity, history, mathematics, philosophy
Thursday, August 07, 2008
5 Scientific Theories That Will Make Your Head Explode
Seriously. Go put on a rain coat.
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Posted by
Dissident Gene
7:34 PM
Labels: evolution, genetics, mathematics, metaphysics, philosophy, science fiction, technological singularity, transcendence
Monday, August 04, 2008
The 5 Greatest Things Ever Accomplished While High
Part 2 of my strange vindications concerning the relationship between psychedelics and scientific accomplishment. Teaser: Crick of DNA's discovery did lots of acid.
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Posted by
Dissident Gene
2:23 PM
Labels: causality, evolution, genetics, history, philosophy, psychedelics, psychology, substances