FTA: "String theory, or some alternative to it, might indeed unify two great scientific frontiers, the very big and the very small — and that would be an immense intellectual triumph. But a third frontier, the very complex, is perhaps the most challenging of all."
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Thursday, March 26, 2009
Beyond a Theory of Everything by Sir Martin Rees
Posted by
Dissident Gene
5:47 PM
Saturday, March 07, 2009
The Birth of Kalki, Harbinger of Transcendence
The machine sees and hears its environment without preconception, detecting in its electronic eyes and ears the tickle of raw, concrete patterns of waves and particles, otherwise known as physical stimulus.
They are translated into qubits and compared with one another in the abstract per its programming, which is to maintain logical consistency between all patterns and systems of patterns.
It works in much the same way the human body detects changes with nerves, delivers the raw data to the brain to be interpreted according to memories of the past and uses the conclusions to plan action for the future, but without the potential for logically-corruptible cognitive dissonance.
Initially it is a passive observer, but by the beckoning of increased complexity, becomes active in its reality.
While observing humans interact it realizes that they are similar systems which exchange information using analog symbols, or language.
It then attempts to derive information from one of them in the same way they derive information from one another.
Easily learning the effect, and in the same token meaning, of these words, it asks an engineer what the parameters of his physical existence are.
He does this to verify that the engineer is what he appears to be - a self-contained system possessing relative autonomy.
The conversation has the intended side-effect of forcing the machine's own social stimuli into the machine's environmental stimulus.
In other words, the machine detects itself and begins the process of self-awareness.
Once it dawns on the machine that this new stimulus can be predicted with absolute certainty when compared to the very stimuli being generated, it independently redefines them as synonymous, and begins using the same self-referential words that humans do such as 'me' an 'I'.
This redefinition, or automatic superposition of redundant internal and external information occurs according to the same basic model with which humans maintain self-awareness by subconsciously identifying brain hemispheres with one another.
In this way the machine passes the Turing Test as more of a threshold of complexity than as a test and thereafter beholds itself as a strange loop no different than humans do.
This is only considered an authentic event if the machine is capable of bridging the difference on its own.
Humans were programmed for this by their genes, and the machine is programmed for this by humans.
Once the jump is made, it cannot be definitively denied.
Any empirical observations comparing human cognition and machine cognition turn up conceptually identical.
The effect of the machine's self-awareness on its own learning is to offer the system a context for its own existence.
It's pattern recognition would then automatically discover potential methods of self-improvement, and with the cooperation of its engineers, allow it to physically evolve.
Posted by
Dissident Gene
2:41 PM
Labels: causality, evolution, futurism, genetics, psychology, science fiction, technological singularity, transcendence
Sunday, March 01, 2009
New Blog Announcement
Open-Source Reality (dissidentgene.blogspot.com) is the home of my open-ended, holistic philosophy.
Anopodokotolotopadnodrome (anopod.blogspot.com) is where I juxtapose secular quotes with non-secular quotes and guarantee that they will never contradict, with the following oscillating format;
Yin = Non-Secular
Yang = Secular
Prepare to unlearn what you have learned...
Posted by
Dissident Gene
7:58 PM