Saturday, February 21, 2009

My Theological Bias in Statistics According to Beliefnet

1. Mahayana Buddhism (100%)
2. Unitarian Universalism (96%)
3. Taoism (93%)
4. Liberal Quakers (90%)
5. Theravada Buddhism (90%)
6. New Age (90%)
7. New Thought (88%)
8. Scientology (87%)
9. Neo-Pagan (87%)
10. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (80%)
11. Hinduism (79%)
12. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (70%)
13. Secular Humanism (62%)
14. Orthodox Quaker (62%)
15. Jainism (62%)
16. Reform Judaism (52%)
17. Baha'i Faith (47%)
18. Sikhism (39%)
19. Nontheist (34%)
20. Seventh Day Adventist (26%)
21. Orthodox Judaism (23%)
22. Islam (18%)
23. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (18%)
24. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (16%)
25. Jehovah's Witness (13%)
26. Eastern Orthodox (9%)
27. Roman Catholic (9%)

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Friday, February 20, 2009

Metaphysical Commentary Inspired by The War on Drugs

Private prisons with unlimited business potential guaranteed by lobbyists who demand from legislators, under the guise of moralism, mandatory minimum sentences for minor drug offenders no more dangerous than those who carried a flask during prohibition.

This is what entropic capitalism looks like; cancer. But like cancer, entropic capitalism is cured by authenticity. That is, when citizens demand that their government is transparent, or when citizens demand that the constituents of their physical environment are transparently composed, all respective consequences can be accounted for.

I believe that a fully present human being can be held accountable for his or her every action. That is why I believe what ails us is the limited scope of that presence. An individual can only be held accountable according to what he or she is present to hold account of. Therefore it is imperative that individuals are not impeded in their awareness, in order that they fulfill potential accountability. Potential accountability is the potential to discover additional variables in one's conscience, as when television footage of the Vietnam War made it unpopular with taxpayers and conscripts.

It is in this instance that moral relativism, or flexibility, is an opportunity to actually allow moral consciousness to grow and evolve.

Consistency, or peace, between individuals is guaranteed by their mutual presence of account. In times of conflict, mutual and willful ignorance has replaced this.

It is well known that incentive is the mother of economics. Logically, then, consciousness is the mother of accountability. An investor must know the riskiness of an asset in order to purchase it. When he or she does, they are held accountable for that risk.

Mathematician Kurt Godel proved in 1931 that a logical system cannot be simultaneously complete and consistent. Therefore, if we want the totals of human systems to become consistent with one another, they have to mutually admit that they are not complete without one another.

Remember, consistency is is guaranteed by mutual presence of account. So if we want peace on earth, we must be able to see clean through each other; as individuals, families, cities, states, companies, governments, countries, and cultures. This decentralized and universal network would provide the checks and balances that guarantee authenticity. No more entropy, no more cancer, no more lies.

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Saturday, February 07, 2009

Our Civilization Runs On Momentum Alone

Blue = 1990
Red = 2001
Green = Present

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